Julie Grahame


Marketing & Social Media Presentation at ICP

Mary Engel, who founded and runs the American Photography Archive Group , invited me to be part of a panel presentation on marketing and social media at their first annual seminar, in 2014. We have our quarterly meetings at ICP and they were kind enough to let us use their space for our two day event. FF to about 7 minutes 30 if you want to skip the intros (and me complaining that my slides are … [read more]

Lightroom Meet-Up

Thanks to my client David Mark Erickson for inviting me along to do a short presentation to his monthly meet-up of Lightroom lovers , which he co-hosts with Lightroom Guy , DA Wagner. They meet in the fabulous museum-like room in the basement of New York's legendary Tekserve. I'm always happy to meet photographers outside of my usual circle (no offense everyone!) and the audience seemed to enjoy … [read more]

Annual Seminar of the American Photography Archives Group

The second annual seminar for APAG members and non-members was held at our favourite venue, ICP, on September 12 and 13, 2015. It featured fascinating panelists and was packed full of information pertaining to archives, what to do with them, how to look after them, who might purchase them and how to otherwise leverage their value. Just a few majorly important points of business! Here I am on my … [read more]

Digital Media Licensing Association Annual Conference

For several years I was a member of the trade organization PACA, the Picture Agency Council of America. Since leaving the agency where I worked for 16 years, I changed career track, and PACA changed their name to DMLA, Digital Media Licensing Association. Despite moving away from that industry I have maintained some of my relationships; these are people with whom I saw the business change in many … [read more]

Leica Women Summit

My partner-in-photo-crime Janette and I were invited to give a talk for the Leica Women Summit this past weekend. We showed images from her archive and current work, highlighting how one thing leads to another and how to leverage your photography and communicate with your clients. FWIW, it was my favorite Zoom meeting of the pandemic. [read more]